Comments on: Learn to dabble with purpose Be inspired to create Mon, 24 Jan 2022 12:38:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Betty Mon, 17 Jan 2022 00:05:50 +0000 I didn’t know there was a word for me. I’m a “dabbler”. We could have club of dabblers! Dabblers Anonymous? I already feel better about myself. I’ve often said I want to do everything at least once. I’m still working on it. That’s okay…I’m a dabbler!

By: Margot Mon, 03 Jan 2022 09:58:58 +0000 I am a dabbler from way back and now feel vindicated. It’s ok to dabble so instead of being critical of my jumping from one thing to another, I can now begin to enjoy the ‘doing’. Thanks.

By: Dalia Karolienė Sun, 02 Jan 2022 21:07:54 +0000 Labai originalūs darbai, esu sužavėta.

By: Rose Kauhane Fri, 31 Dec 2021 14:39:16 +0000 Great article! I’m a long term dabbler who feels I’m not accomplishing anything of my own. I love and admire the work of so many others and am constantly fearful of thinking I am just copying them even though I know my work will never be an exact copy. But by dabbling and studying the work of others I have discovered a lot about my own creative preferences.

By: Margaret Pratt Thu, 30 Dec 2021 18:54:43 +0000 I enjoy trying out new techniques, some lessons I first think’ i.m not doing that one!’ But once I met the challenges I found more satisfaction in the ones I was doubtful about. An example is the stitching on leaves. I was lucky to have some flowers delivered with enormous eucalyptus leaves as background. These were a joy to embellish, every time I made a stitch the smell of the eucalyptus was wonderful, and connected me to my family in Australia. Who would think a leaf could do that! A very satisfying dabble.

By: Suzanne Lee Thu, 30 Dec 2021 12:28:22 +0000 This is a wonderful reminder especially after the holiday rush to produce and sell. In my case, PRODUCTION beats PLAY far too often. Thanks for this inspiration to dabble.

By: Milena Toni Thu, 30 Dec 2021 12:10:43 +0000 Grazie per questi preziosi consigli .
Ho sempre avuto molte attenzioni e curiosità sul mondo del cucito ,delle stoffe e dei filati in genere ,ma anche su tutto ciò che mi apriva la mente su mondi completamente diversi. Grazie a tante esperienze lavorative diverse ho imparato a viverle attivamente e trasferirle nella pratica quotidiana.
La professione di insegnante nella scuola dell’infanzia, ha riempito questa carica espressiva e creativa , fornendomi gli input necessari per rendere ogni creazione più elementare possibile e soprattutto per comprendere quanto sia importante in questo mondo super tecnologico ,aiutare il bambino ad una manipolazione diretta di tanti materiali e di strumenti idonei allo sviluppo creativo .
Penso dunque che il vostro corso e le esperienze di vari artisti qui riportati, siano la conferma che la creatività è insita nell’uomo ,come facoltà che vuole essere sviluppata ,incoraggiata e valorizzata ,perché essa diventa un canale di espressione personale e realizza tutto un potenziale intellettivo importantissimo .

By: Lourdes Lowe Thu, 30 Dec 2021 11:23:27 +0000 For me personally, experimenting has really formed the core of what i do. When working with certain subject matter, it really helps to have all those options, which are provided by having explored so many techniques and materials. I love to approach my textile projects with an open mind with regards to media and technique. Of course i have my favourites, but that is where personal style naturally starts to evolve.

By: Alan Wed, 29 Dec 2021 07:56:00 +0000 One day a while back, I wrote a list of all the crafts I have tried … and some I still want to try. It was more than 50! Today I found out that I am just a long term dabbler. Without trying some of these crafts or techniques, I would not be making what I am making today. This article made me feel better. I’m not a failure in a lot of things, I am simply learning my own personal visual vocabulary. I will continue to combine ideas, styles and techniques to become the artist I’m meant to be!

Thank you so much for this article!

By: Robin Fleming Wed, 29 Dec 2021 02:50:14 +0000 Perfect! I have been struggling with a new direction . . . your article lets me off the hook! I just have to start . . . Thank you!
