Comments on: Top 10 quilting books Be inspired to create Tue, 15 Aug 2023 09:35:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anya Jones Tue, 27 Sep 2022 08:40:02 +0000 There are a lot of great books on this list, I really like to read books and my favorite book in this list “Quilting For Dummies” Thanks for sharing the great list.

By: Riya Sen Wed, 17 Aug 2022 09:13:17 +0000 I love reading quilting books! This list is great!

By: Susan Bowhay-Pringle Mon, 09 Mar 2020 19:04:40 +0000 My favourite: Quilting by Averil Colby, published in the 1970s and out of print but readily available at second hand booksellers.

By: Karen Mon, 05 Aug 2019 20:18:09 +0000 I also agree with the two books Lesley Jackson suggested. I love to stitch EPP. The slow motion action of hand piecing. All Points Patchwork is a valuable source for EPP instruction.

By: Lesley Jackson Mon, 05 Aug 2019 09:35:26 +0000 I would add two more books as well: 1) You haven’t mentioned English Paper Piecing, an traditional method of quilting that is growing in popularity again, both here and in America. I would recommend ‘All Points Patchwork’ by Diane Gilleland which includes everything you need to know about technique and includes ideas and templates so you can begin making your own quilts.
2. I would also recommend ‘Applique – the essential guide to modern appliqué by Alison Glass which covers all the appliqué methods and uses a broad range of materials to express your own personality in your quilt making.
PS I would love it if you did this for other subject areas, too, fibre art, surface stitching, collage so we knew what were the best books to check out on these subjects.

By: Anne Burke Wed, 11 Apr 2018 07:57:58 +0000 I would add two books to this list,

Firstly, Lynne Edwards MBE : The Essential Sampler Quilt Book. This is a great favourite amongst established quilters to recommend to beginners, as it provides a complete and easy to understand tutorial of basic to more advanced patchwork techniques, mostly using traditional block patterns, through all the steps necessary to achieve a finished quilt. This book is an easy to use launch pad for anyone wanting to get started with textile art via learning the ABCs of patchwork and quilting.

Secondly, Sussex Guild member, Louise Bell : 201 Quilt Blocks, Motifs, Projects, and Ideas. This is a super-friendly patchwork and quilting book, introducing the basics of appliqué too. Plenty of ideas and step by step instructions for small projects, and by its very style, embued with the spirit of the artist, giving permission to budding quilters to reject perfectionism and embrace fun and experimentation with fabrics.
